Dave Courvoisier

Voice Actor

Dave Courvoisier testimonial about ConnectionOpen

I've been following the progress of ConnectionOpen since the beginning, and I’m amazed to see the innovative product it has become. ConnectionOpen is a truly awesome development for the voice-over world!


Dave is an Emmy award-winning TV news anchor, a seasoned voice actor and the founder of World-Voices Organization, an industry trade association for the VO community. Dave is one of the top bloggers for the Voice-over community, and author of the book: 'More Than Just a Voice: The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success'.


John McClain testimonial about ConnectionOpen

John McClain

Grammy awarded Sound Engineer and Designer

Easy, simple, ahead of the competition. The audio is uncompressed, the delay is essentially imperceptible.

Dave Fennoy testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Dave Fennoy

Voice Actor

As a voice actor I’ve used ISDN for years, but ConnectionOpen is a whole new way to connect to clients, It’s faster, cleaner, simpler, and less expensive than anything I’ve seen. ConnectionOpen is amazing.

Dave Courvoisier testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Dave Courvoisier

Voice Actor

I've been following the progress of ConnectionOpen since the beginning, and I’m amazed to see the innovative product it has become. ConnectionOpen is a truly awesome development for the voice-over world!

Kordell Pritchard testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Kordell Pritchard

Voice Actor

If you’re thinking about your software, you’re not thinking about your performance. That’s why ConnectionOpen should be the standard - no port mapping, no need for tutorials, no headache.