Eva Barros

Voice Actor

Eva Barros testimonial about ConnectionOpen

ConnectionOpen became my best friend to work remotely on dubbing. It's a very easy and intuitive piece of software.


Eva Barros is a Portuguese actress, known for Lua Vermelha (2010), Dentro (2016) and Mar Salgado (2014). As well as her native language, Eva also speaks English and French.


Jim Kipping testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Jim Kipping

Voice Artist / Audio Engineer / Sound Designer

The pristine uncompressed audio coming across my speakers as I was introduced to ConnectionOpen was mindblowingly clean. This is a true digital VOIP masterpiece!

Kordell Pritchard testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Kordell Pritchard

Voice Actor

If you’re thinking about your software, you’re not thinking about your performance. That’s why ConnectionOpen should be the standard - no port mapping, no need for tutorials, no headache.

Kyle McCarley testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Kyle McCarley

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is without a doubt the head of the class, plus it’s simple to set up. Completely lossless remote audio at an insanely fast speed.

Andy Danish testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Andy Danish

Voice Actor

It worked wonders! It’s user friendly, runs very smoothly, and feels almost like I’m at the studio with the producer in person. I’ve recommended it to every studio I work with.