New testimonial - Kordell Pritchard, voice actor

Thu, Dec 10, 2020

Kordell Pritchard uses ConnectionOpen

When recording a voice over remotely for a commercial advertising project, it’s important for the talent to be able to interact with the producer/director, to ensure the client’s needs are met. The immediacy of such creative collaboration can play a key role in the overall productivity of the session.

While other remote collaboration tools may sacrifice audio quality to reduce lag, ConnectionOpen does not. Audio is sent and received without ever being compressed, from start to finish, so you can be sure your sound captures every part of your performance.

Someone who is no stranger to being the commercial voice of big name brands is NYC voice actor Kordell Pritchard. Whether its music streaming or motorcars, Kordell has worked with leading brands from a diverse range of industries.

We recently caught up with Kordell, to hear how ConnectionOpen enables him to concentrate on nailing the perfect performance, by making the process of remote audio collaboration as simple and as fast as possible. Here's what he had to say:

“If you’re thinking about your software, you’re not thinking about your performance. That’s why ConnectionOpen should be the standard - no port mapping, no need for tutorials, no headache.”

Kordell Pritchard
Voice actor