
Choose the plan that better fits your needs

Billed at $180 $150/year
Unlimited useUnlimited use

7 day FREE trial7 day FREE trial
Billed at $360 $300/year
Unlimited useUnlimited use

+10 day passes per month+10 day passes per month

Passes expire after 30 daysPasses expire after 30 days

7 day FREE trial7 day FREE trial
Billed at $1080 $900/year
Unlimited useUnlimited use

+30 day passes per month+30 day passes per month

Passes expire after 60 daysPasses expire after 60 days

7 day FREE trial7 day FREE trial

Or purchase a day pass for 24 hours access

Daily Pass $10

Frequently Asked Questions

When is a day pass required?

To make and receive session invitations when not subscribed to a monthly plan.

When does a day pass start? And how long does it last?

A day pass is activated when a non-subscribing member makes or accepts a ConnectionOpen call, and remains active for 24 hours.

What is a day pass?

A day pass provides access to the service, to make and receive calls, for a period of 24 hours.

What are monthly plans?

Monthly subscription plans provide continuous unlimited access to the service, and also include a number of day passes, to gift to other members.


Corey Burton

Corey Burton

Voice actor

Thanks to ConnectionOpen, it's as if I am right there on a Hollywood soundstage or major recording studio.

Barrett Leddy testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barrett Leddy

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is probably the closest thing we have right now to recording in-studio.

Nathan Nokes testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Nathan Nokes

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is the way to go! It’s super clear, ZERO latency, and it’s a work horse so I can work on my performance and not tech issues.

Barnaby Robson testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barnaby Robson

Professor, performer, composer and music producer.

Having both great sound quality and video sync in the same package is fantastic - I highly recommend ConnectionOpen!