Rob Paulsen

Voice Actor

Rob Paulsen ConnectionOpen review

As a fancy-schmancy, big-shot Hollywood voice guy, CO provides me with world-class tech that allows me and those who hire me to do seamless work of the highest quality, affordability and without having to be an MIT grad to use it: which, if you know me, I am decidedly not. Thankfully, for all of us, the Connection is Open.


Rob Paulsen is an American voice actor, responsible for some of the most iconic voices in cartoon history. He is best known for his roles as Raphael and Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Yakko Warner, Dr. Otto Scratchansniff, and Pinky from Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain and Carl Wheezer from Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


Rob Paulsen ConnectionOpen review

Rob Paulsen

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen provides me with world-class tech that allows me to do seamless work of the highest quality.

Barnaby Robson testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barnaby Robson

Professor, performer, composer and music producer.

Having both great sound quality and video sync in the same package is fantastic - I highly recommend ConnectionOpen!

John McClain testimonial about ConnectionOpen

John McClain

Grammy awarded Sound Engineer and Designer

Easy, simple, ahead of the competition. The audio is uncompressed, the delay is essentially imperceptible.

Barrett Leddy testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barrett Leddy

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is probably the closest thing we have right now to recording in-studio.